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Item#: 890601
Name: USB HID Command Line Utility
LeadTime: InStock

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USB HID IO Command Appliction & Source Code in C++.
A simply Windows command line utility to send and receive data from the USB I/O device.
This utility can be used in batch files or called from other programs.

Works with all Delcom USB HID Generation II products. Product PN# 9xxxxx and 7xxxxx
USBCMDAP.exe - 32Bit Version E
USBCMDAP_old.exe - 32Bit Version C older code that run on Win2000.
USBCMDAPx64.exe - 64Bit Version E

Source Code

USBCMDAP example batch files

USBCMDAP - USB HID I/O Command Application - Delcom Products Inc. OCT 3 2020 REV E.
This utility allows Delcom USB HID commands to be sent to the USB device.
Refer to the Delcom USBIOHID Datasheet for commands.
Syntax: USBCMDAP [options] TID SID MajorCmd MinorCmd
                 [DataLSB DataMSB DataHID0..3 DataEXT0..7]
Options: (no spaces between options e.g. SWV)
E - Enumerate. Displays all the Delcom USB device found with DeviceType=VendorDefined.
A - Enumerate. Displays all the Delcom USB device found with any DeviceType.
S - Shared. Opens USB device as a shared device.
    Allows other applications to access it at the same time.
W - Wait. Program will wait for the user to press a key before it exits.
V - Verbose On. Displays all verbose information.
TID - TypeID - Search for: 0=All, 1=USBIO, 2=USBVI, 3=USBND, 4=USBTL, 5=USBBUZ
SID - Serial ID - Search for: 0=All, otherwise device with a matching SID.
MajorCmd - The major command.
MinorCmd - The minor command.
LSBData - The LSB data paramater.
MSBData - The MSB data parameter.
DataHID0..3 - The HID data parameters(4)
DataExt0..7 - The Extension data paramaters(8).

Example: To set pin 0 on port 1 low (P1.0).
USBCMPAP 0 0 101 12 1 0

USB HID G2 Datasheet USB HID G2 Datasheet. Datasheet for all the Delcom USB HID products.
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