Delcom Products

Delcom USB HID Generation 2 Migration Document.Delcom USB HID Migration Document. Describes how to migrate from the Generation 1 Delcom USB custom ...
Loading Window Drivers G1Loading Windows USB G1 Drivers
Serial I2C EEPROM read/write example.This document illustrates how to read and/or write a Serial I2C EEPROM with the Delcom USB Chip Set
USB EMI GuidelinesEMI Design Guidelines for USB Components
703300 USB HID RF Setup and Pairing.703300 USB HID RF Setup and Pairing.
This web note describes how to setup and pair the 703300 ...
Button keycodes via software control.Setting up the Delcom button keycodes via software control.
Controlling multiple device with the DelcomDLL.This webnote describes how to control multiple Delcom devices on the same computer with the DelcomDL...
Controlling multiple indicator lights with USBCMDAP.exeThis webnote describes how to control multiple Delcom device on the same computer with USBCMDAP.exe.
Issue#16 - Simultaneous release of the modifier codes(ALT,CTRL,SHIFT) not handled in Linux.In some builds of the Linux kernel, a simultaneous release of the Modifier codes(ALT,CTRL,SHIFT) wi...
Issue#3 - USB HID Features Linux Kernel v4.8 On 2016-07-04 a custom driver was added to the Linux kernel to support Delcom devices. When present ...
Setting up the Delcom button keycodes via software control.This web note describes how to set up the Delcom button events via software control, without using t...
The ScanForHidDevice() function in USBHIDIO.c returns the incorrect device.his web note describes how to correct the ScanForHidDevice() function from returning the incorrect d...
USB HID G2 & G3 device uninstall and reload on Windows.This web note describes how to uninstall and reload the USB HID device on Windows.
USB Joystick FailuresThis web note describes how to correct the USB joystick failures with Windows DirectX.

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