Delcom Products

CY7C4013A DataSheetCypress Cy7C4013A USB High Speed Chip Data Sheet. Relates to Delcom 802x40 products.
CY7C637xx DataSheetCypress CY7C637xx USB Low Speed Chip. Relates to Delcom 802x70 & 902x70 products.
CY7C64215 USB HS DataSheetCY7C64215 USB High Speed DataSheet
CYC63000 DatasheetCypress USB LS CYC63000 Data Sheet. Relates to Delcom 802x00 USB LS IO Chips.
Demo Brd SchematicUSB Demo Brd Schematic
DIP 20 PackageDIP 20 300 mill Package Diagram.
Foot Switch ManualFoot Switch Supplemental Manual.
Key Code ManualKey board code manual and setup guide.
LS Migration DocumentUSB LS IO Chip Migration Document. This document explains the migration path from the 802x00 parts ...
Numeric Display ManualNumeric Display Developement Manual
PB Switch Box Enclosure Metal DrawingPB Switch Box Enclosure Metal Drawing.
PB Switch Box Enclosure Metal Flange DrawingPB Switch Box Enclosure Metal Flange Drawing
Programming ManaulUSB Programming Manual. Describes the Direct and Registry methods of accessing the Delcom USB driver...
SOIC 20 PackageSOIC 20 300 mil Package Diagram
SOIC 24 PackageSOIC 24 300 mil Package Diagram
USB Hand Key Button Manual.USB hand key button manual and setup guide.
USB HID Buzzer DSUSB HID Buzzer Data Sheet
USB HID G2 DatasheetUSB HID G2 Datasheet. Datasheet for all the Delcom USB HID products.
USB HID G2 Visual Indicator Datasheet.USB HID G2 Visual Indicator Datasheet/manual.
USB HID G3 MIGMigration document for USB HID Generation 3.
USB Indicator ManualUSB Indicator Manual/DataSheet
USB IO Demo ManualUSB IO Demo Brd Development Manual
USB LS Min PartsUSB LS IO Chip Minimum Parts Schematic for PN: 802x00.
USBIO Demo Brd Schematic Rev C.USB IO Demo Board Schematic Rev C.
USBIODS G1 DatasheetUSBIODS G1 Manual/Datasheet.

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