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WebNoteId: 18
Title: Controlling multiple indicator lights with USBCMDAP.exe

Summary: This webnote describes how to control multiple Delcom device on the same computer with USBCMDAP.exe.

To controller multiple device on the same computer you have to use the internal firmware serial number. Note this is NOT the same as the serial number on the product sticker. First you will need to record the serial number of each of the device. Do to this plug only ONE device it at a time and run ā€˜ USBCMDAP eā€™. This will just print out the firmware serial number of each device. Look for the SID=xxxxxx. You will want to make a list that relates firmware serial numbers to sticker numbers, or write the firmware serial number on the bottom of the device.

C:ProjectsProgramsUSBCMDAPsetupbatch>usbcmdap.exe e
USB HID I/O Command Application - Searching for all Delcom devices...
Device Found(1): TID=7 SID=101719.

Once you have all the firmware serial numbers, plug all the devices back in. Then set the firmware serial number to the second parameter in the USBCMDAP. This will send the command only to the device with a matching firmware serial number.

// Device#1 SID=101719
USBCMDAP   	0 101719 101 12 0 7		// Turn LED Off (All)
USBCMDAP 	0 101719 101 12 2 0		// Turn LED On (Red)

// Device#2 SID = 101800
USBCMDAP   	0 101800 101 12 0 7		// Turn LED Off (All)
USBCMDAP       	0 101800 101 12 4 0		// Turn LED On (Yellow) 
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