WebNoteId: 16 Title: Issue#16 - Simultaneous release of the modifier codes(ALT,CTRL,SHIFT) not handled in Linux. | |
Summary: In some builds of the Linux kernel, a simultaneous release of the Modifier codes(ALT,CTRL,SHIFT) with the keycode is not handled correctly. This causes keycode with modifiers, like ALT+r, to fail. Currently the Tormach PathPilot program running on the Linux Mint v17.3 build is effected by this. | |
Date: 2/07/2020 Solution: This issue has been fixed in firmware version v58 and up. If you require this feature and currently have a lower firmware version. Send you device back to us and we will update the firmware for you. Depending on the Linux Kernel version you also need to change the PID (Product Identification number). Use the DelcomSetPID utility to make the this change. More information can be found here. |
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