Delcom Products
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890501USB Dos Utility
890502USB 64 Bit IO
890503Mac OSX Drivers, Generation 1 only.
890504I2C Example Code
890505USB I/O CVI Code
890506Borland Example
890507USB IO C/C++ Example
890508USB IO VB Example
890509CPP MFC SPI Example
890511USB G1 Indicator Lamp Command Line Utility
890512WIN C++ NET DelcomDLL Example
890513USB Device Tree Viewer Windows Utility
890514USB HID Numeric Display Test Program
890600FootCtrl Software - Allow delcom products to emulate keyboard keys, mouse buttons or run External ap...
890601USB HID Command Line Utility
890602USB HID G2 Python Example Code
890603USB HID G2 Linux Example Code1
890604USB HID G2 Linux Example Code2
890607USB HID MFC C++ Example
890610USB HID G2 Linux Example Code3
890611Delcom Node js example
890630USB HID MFC C#.NET Example
890632USB HID MFC VB.NET Visual Basic Example
890640USB HID MFC C#.NET Visual Indicator Example
890641C# Sharp VS2022 NET8 USB Indicator Console Example Code
890650USB HID MFC C#.NET I2C Example
890660USB HID MFC C#.NET SPI Example
890672Delcom Setup Utility
890674Delcom WebHID Example A simple example to control the Delcom devices via WebHID supported on browse...
890680USB HID Task bar Lamp Control Program.
890682DelcomX USB HID ActiveX Control
990601USB HID G3 ADC Analog to digital convert C++ MFC Example Code
990602USB HID G3 Event Counter C++ MFC Example Code
Delcom DLLDelcom DLL files and manual. The Delcom DLL allows simple integration between the Delcom USB devices...
Delcom G1 Windows DriversWindows drivers for the Delcom G1 Products.
Foot Switch VB CodeFoot Switch Visual Basic Sample Code
Google Go exampleGoogle Go example on how to read the buttons on the Delcom USB input devices.
HID C Example CodeC example on how to commincate with the Delcom USB HID generic device.
Key Board Scanner AppKey Board Scanner App. Displays all key codes when pressed. Works on Windows,
ND_TEST G1USB Numeric Generation 1 Display command line example C.
Numeric Display Driver G1USB Numeric Display Windows Driver - USBNDSPY.SYS, USBNDSPY.INF Generation 1 Only!
TestI2CRelay8.batA windows command line batch file to test the module relay board PN#902142 over I2C. Requires USBCMD...
USB G1 Driver Removal ToolUtility for remove all generation 1 USB Drivers.
USB HID C++/MFC Visual Indicator ExampleUSB HID MFC C++ Visual Indicator Example
USB IO VB.NET ExampleUSB IO VB.NET Example MS Visual Basic .NET
USB Numeric Display VB ExampleUSB Numeric Display Visual Basic Example Application and source code.
USBDELVI Driver G1Delcom USBDELVI Driver Version - USBDELVI.SYS USBDELVI.INF Generation 1 only
USBIODS Driver G1Delcom USB IO Driver Version USBIODS.SYS USBIODS.INF Generation 1 Only!
USBSignal G1USB G1 Visual Indicator C/C++ MFC Example software and source code.
VB Joy Stick Code ExampleJoystick code example. Illustrates how to read the joystick position and button status with Visual B...
VB LampUSB Visual Indicator Visual Basic Sample program and code.
VB Mouse CodeMouse code example. Illustrates how to read the mouse positon and buttons in Visual Basic.

Found 52 Search Results.
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