USBIODS MAC OS X 10.0 Driver Version 1.0 Beta Here's the completed framework. It lacks an installer, so you will have to manually install it. gnutar xvfz MacOSXRev1.tgz to produce: MacOSXRev1/ MacOSXRev1/DelcomUSB <- source for test and framework MacOSXRev1/DelcomUSB.dst <- root To install, you can: cd MacOSXRev1/DelcomUSB.dst sudo ditto . / (This copies the framework to /Library/Frameworks/DelcomUSB.framework, and the test tools to /usr/local/bin/) The test tools are: dc_reflect: reflect pin0 inputs on pin1 outputs dc_raw: similar to your DOS tool, where you enter the commands yourself dc_runninglights: back and forth.